enviado por Jerre Home em 28.05.08
Wow the site is great! so looks the house and the location. Buggy on an endless white sand beach = a dream come true! Would it be possible to see the inside of your house too? when you guys will have ipod speakers and internet/wifi so i can rent your house all year long to work from Pipa? You should put some brazilian music on your web site. I bet sure you guys do have ipods fully loaded with music do brasil. na? Cheers.
enviado por Doc Batuca ! em 26.05.08
Bem legal esse site sobre a casinha no paraiso !!! Valeu gente !!! Aquele abraço pra voceis meus amigos franceses !!! Doc Batuca de São Paulo de Paris da Musica do Amor da Paz e da Paixão !!!!!!!!!!!
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